Language of the Olympic Games, Part 2
Unlocking the Secrets of the Olympic Games: A Comprehensive ExplorationIn a recent Everyday Grammar lesson, we delved into the language used to discuss the Olympic Games, exploring the words "host," "compete," and "expect." Listeners were invited to share their own writing about the Olympics using these terms. Today, we will provide feedback on two of the messages we received, offering insights and suggestions to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the written expressions.## Uncovering the Passion and Prestige of the Olympic SpectacleThe Olympic Games have long been a source of global fascination, captivating audiences worldwide with their display of athletic excellence, cultural exchange, and the pursuit of human potential. From the ancient Greek origins to the modern-day spectacle, the Olympic movement has evolved, reflecting the changing times and the aspirations of nations and individuals alike.### Exploring Fernando's PerspectiveLet's begin by examining a message from Fernando, a reader from Colombia. Fernando's message provides a glimpse into the anticipation surrounding the upcoming 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, France.Fernando's message highlights the excitement surrounding the host city announcement, noting that "by that time Paris, France's capital was announced to be hosting the competitors to the 2024 (Olympic) games." To enhance the clarity of this statement, we suggest rephrasing it in the active voice, such as: "By that time, the International Olympic Committee had announced that Paris, France, would host the 2024 Olympic Games."Furthermore, in the second sentence, Fernando expresses the expectation that "people around the world expect to watch a great competition where it will be broken many records." To improve the flow and precision of this statement, we recommend removing the article "a" and adjusting the wording to convey the idea more effectively: "During the Olympic Games, people around the world expect to watch great competitions where many records will be broken."### Delving into Eleni's InsightsNext, we turn our attention to a message from Eleni, a reader from Greece, who provides a fascinating historical perspective on the origins of the Olympic Games.Eleni's message highlights the ancient roots of the Olympic Games, noting that "the first Olympic Games were held in Greece every four years since 776 BC." She goes on to describe the host town of Olympia, the dedication of the games to the Greek god Zeus, and the prohibition of wars during the events.One suggestion for Eleni's message is to rephrase the sentence about athletes' arrival and their oath to compete with honor and respect. We propose the following: "When athletes arrived at Olympia, they swore to compete with honor and respect."Additionally, Eleni's message mentions various competitions, such as foot-race, wrestling, pentathlon, and horse races. To enhance clarity, we suggest correcting the spelling of "completions" to "competitions."Eleni's message also touches on the significance of a city's athlete winning a competition, stating that "when that happened they were tearing down a part of the city walls to honor him." To clarify the subject of the sentence, we recommend rephrasing it as: "When a city's athlete won a competition, the townspeople tore down part of the city walls to honor him."### Celebrating the Olympic SpiritThe messages we received from Fernando and Eleni provide valuable insights into the enduring appeal and rich history of the Olympic Games. By addressing grammatical nuances, clarifying pronouns, and enhancing the overall flow and precision of the written expressions, we aim to help strengthen the clarity and impact of these perspectives.As the world eagerly anticipates the upcoming Olympic events, we encourage all our readers to embrace the spirit of sportsmanship, cultural exchange, and the pursuit of excellence that the Olympic Games embody. May the stories and experiences shared by our listeners continue to inspire and captivate us, as we collectively celebrate the enduring legacy of this global phenomenon.