
Nonprofit that aided Polis’ transition team violated campaign finance laws

Nonprofit that aided Polis’ transition team violated campaign finance laws

Nonprofit's Campaign Finance Violations Expose Murky Political Ties

A Colorado-based political nonprofit that assisted in the transition of Governor Jared Polis' administration has admitted to violating the state's campaign finance laws. The group, Boldly Forward Colorado, faced significant fines for its failure to register as a committee and report its electioneering activities. This case sheds light on the complex web of political organizations and their influence on the electoral process.

Uncovering the Nonprofit's Campaign Finance Violations

Undisclosed Contributions and Expenditures

Boldly Forward Colorado, a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, acknowledged its failure to comply with Colorado's campaign finance laws. The group admitted to not registering as an issue committee and not reporting its contributions and expenditures during the 2023 election cycle. Between June and October 2023, the group made five contributions totaling 1,875 in support of Proposition HH, a Democrat-backed ballot measure that sought to lower property tax rates and allocate revenue to local governments.

Hefty Fines and Reduced Penalties

Under Colorado's campaign finance rules, a group that fails to register as an issue or ballot measure committee faces a fine of at least 0, plus at least 10% of the expenditures made if the spending exceeds ,000. Boldly Forward Colorado faced a fine of ,487 for this violation. Additionally, failing to report contributions and expenditures carries a fine of 0 per missed report, plus 5% of the unreported activity, which amounted to ,793 for the group. However, due to the group's cooperation with the state investigation, the total penalty was reduced to ,593.76.

Shifting Focus and Scrutiny

Skeptics began questioning Boldly Forward Colorado's activities as early as 2020, when local news reports noted the group had shifted its focus from finding staff members for Governor Polis to addressing issues such as early childhood education, healthcare costs, and "fiscal reform." This shift in focus raised concerns about the group's true intentions and its potential influence on the political landscape.

Transparency and Accountability

The settlement reached between Boldly Forward Colorado and the Colorado Secretary of State's Elections Division requires the group to pay the fines and disclose its contributors in accordance with the state's Fair Campaign Practices Act. This move towards greater transparency is crucial in ensuring the integrity of the electoral process and holding political organizations accountable for their actions.

Broader Implications and Lessons Learned

The case of Boldly Forward Colorado highlights the need for stricter oversight and enforcement of campaign finance laws, particularly when it comes to the activities of political nonprofits. This incident serves as a cautionary tale, underscoring the importance of maintaining clear boundaries between political advocacy and the administration of government. As the public continues to demand greater transparency and accountability from those in power, cases like this will likely continue to surface, shaping the ongoing debate around the role of money in politics.
