
MPR News Radio Campers explore how a theater is run at the Ordway

MPR News Radio Campers explore how a theater is run at the Ordway

Unsung Heroes: Revealing the Untold Stories Behind the Curtain

Theater audiences are well-versed in the creatives on stage and just beyond. Actors, designers, and directors often take the spotlight, but there are other key players who keep every aspect running smoothly to bring a performance to life. Typically, we don't hear much from them. The teens participating in this year's MPR News Radio Camp explored the jobs behind the scenes at the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts in St. Paul and discovered a wealth of stories.

Unveiling the Unseen: Exploring the Unsung Roles that Bring the Stage to Life

Transforming the Workforce: A Shifting Landscape in Production Management

Margarita Rosales, a junior at Venture Academy in Minneapolis, delved into the evolving world of production management at the Ordway. In her interview with Julia Erickson, the Ordway's director of production, Rosales learned about the significant changes Erickson has witnessed in the workforce of production managers and stagehands during her 27-year tenure at the arts organization. The article explores how the Ordway has adapted to these shifts, ensuring the seamless execution of performances.

Expanding Access: The Ordway's Efforts to Provide First-Time Theater Experiences

Eden Gillette-Kelley, a sophomore at Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis, spoke with Sarah Wiechmann, the manager of school programs at the Ordway. Wiechmann shared insights into the Ordway's initiatives to give more students their first theater experience, highlighting the organization's commitment to making the arts accessible to a diverse audience.

Navigating the Pandemic: The Ordway's Resilience and Adaptation

Ekseer Elhassan, a senior at Woodbury's East Ridge High School, delved into how the Ordway coped with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. In her interview with Andrew Luft, the vice president of building operations and production, Elhassan gained a deeper understanding of the Ordway's strategies to navigate the unprecedented circumstances and ensure the continued operation of the performing arts center.

Embracing Innovation: The Ordway's Digital Transformation

Aketzally Alvarado, a senior at FAIR School for Arts, provided a window into the work of Becky Borsheim, the director of information technology services at the Ordway. Alvarado's story explores the Ordway's efforts to develop a new ticketing system, highlighting the organization's commitment to adapting to the changing needs of its patrons.

Fostering Diversity and Inclusion: The Ordway's Commitment to Arts Learning and Community Engagement

Kaya Williams, a junior at DeLaSalle High School, interviewed Maia Maiden, who directs arts learning and community engagement at the Ordway. Maiden's passion for the arts and her dedication to bringing the performing arts to a more diverse audience are at the heart of this story, showcasing the Ordway's efforts to create a more inclusive and accessible arts experience.

Bridging Disciplines: The Ordway's Interdisciplinary Approach to Programming

Mauricio Barreto, a junior at FAIR School for Arts, reported on Tanya Gertz, the vice president of programming and community impact at the Ordway. Gertz's background in gender studies and theology has shaped her approach to programming, as she strives to curate a diverse and inclusive lineup that resonates with the community.

Connecting with Diverse Audiences: The Ordway's Efforts to Represent Native Peoples

Leonna Kier, a sophomore at South High School in Minneapolis, explored how the Ordway connects with her family and other Native communities. In her interview with digital content manager Anna Hopps, Kier gained insights into the Ordway's initiatives to ensure that the performing arts center represents and engages with Native peoples.

Navigating Challenges and Fostering Resilience: The Ordway's Leadership during Difficult Times

Amani Davis, a junior at South High, spoke with Chris Sagstetter, the Ordway's executive vice president and chief financial officer, who also served as the organization's interim president during the pandemic. Sagstetter shared insights into the Ordway's efforts to adapt to the needs and desires of new audiences while serving longtime supporters, as well as how the staff dealt with a deep loss in their community.

Celebrating the Arts: The Ordway's Gala Fundraiser and its Impact on Music Education

Animikii Skjefte, a freshman at Southwest High School in Minneapolis, reported on the work of graphic designer Jordan Wagaman, who contributed to the Ordway's gala fundraiser. The story highlights the Ordway's commitment to supporting music education for young students, showcasing the organization's multifaceted efforts to nurture the next generation of artists.

From Usher to Director: The Ordway's Guest Services Leader's Journey

La'Shonda Scott, a sophomore at FAIR School for Arts, learned about the career path of Tammie Weinfurtner, the Ordway's director of guest services. Weinfurtner's story, which began as an usher and culminated in her current leadership role, illustrates the Ordway's dedication to fostering professional growth and providing opportunities for advancement within the organization.

Preserving the Past, Investing in the Future: The Ordway's Accounting Director on Balancing Priorities

Hannah Vang, a senior at Math and Science Academy in Woodbury, spoke with Paul Hattouni, the Ordway's director of accounting, about the challenges of maintaining an aging building, the ongoing efforts to raise funds for renovations, and Hattouni's evolving perspective on a musical about the six wives of Henry VIII.
